Tag: learning

Half a year a bricodeur

For about 6 months now, I’ve been teaching code to beginners along with a non-profit organization named Les Bricodeurs (in French, it’s a mash-up word of ‘tinkerer’ and ‘coder’). I won’t go into detail for every activity this organization is engaged in, but in a bulk: teaching kids to program bots, organizing talks about digital medias and citizenship, preparing a yearly hackathon, and the list goes on with each of our members’ initiatives.


Getting started

What I’ll discuss here will be very theoretic about setting up your journey to learning some new skills. It could apply to other fields than programming, but since the theme of this blog is specifically to discuss the learning of programming skills, I will use it for examples. But whatever field you’re wanting to learn, you’ll have to start somewhere that’s for sure. So, enough chatter, let’s jump right in the subject.


Bootcamp : two years after

I know there are many developers out there that have started their career by what we call a bootcamp, I’m one of them.

Am I the typical one? Is there such a thing as a “typical” bootcamp developer? All I can do here, is talk about my experience. I’ll start by giving you some details so you may have a better understand of my point of view (besides, we all know that development is in the details, right?).
